Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Just Right Jillian

Just Right Jillian
Nicole D. Collier
Diversify/HMH, 2022
224 pages
Grades 4-7
Realistic Fiction

It's been almost a year since Jillian's beloved grandmother died and she is still mourning the loss. Fifth grade has not been the best year. Jillian is very shy and often feels invisible. Her archenemy, the class queen bee, insists that all of the girls dress the same and consistently beats Jillian to the right answer. Jillian knows the answers, she just can't get them out in time. When the school announces the annual Mind Bender competition, Jillian thinks she has a chance, but isn't sure that she has the confidence to compete. Meanwhile, the class receives a new addition: eggs! They watch their development and hold their breath as they begin to hatch. Other troubles ensue as Jillian's mother, who battles lupus, has a flare up and Jillian worries for her health. Can Jillian find her inner voice and learn to use it? Grandma always said that Jillian was just right the way she was, Jillian must learn to believe that statement, emerge from her egg and show the world what she has on the inside.

As kids are emerging from their Covid-cocoons and struggling with social skills, this title will be welcome and useful. Readers will relate to Jillian's troubles and insecurities. The eggs serve as a metaphor, as Jillian slowly comes out of her shell and shows herself to the world. Struggling with grief, she finds a way to connect with the memory of her grandmother and tap back into the creative hobby that they shared and was always her happy place. Her female archenemy, as well as the boy who always teases, become friends as the book progresses and we learn that people are not always what they seem on the surface. I felt that certain situations turned out a little unrealistically perfectly positive in Jillian's favor by the book's end, but this will satisfy the target audience, as they live vicariously through Jillian's successes. The reading level and length are perfect for chapter book readers ready for something a bit more challenging, yet still with a straight forward plot. A wonderful spring story to share as we emerge out of the darkness of the past two years and back into society.

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