Sunday, June 21, 2020

Give Us the Vote!

Give Us the Vote! by Susan Goldman Rubin: 9780823439577 ...
Give Us the Vote!: Over 200 Years of Fighting for the Ballot
Susan Goldman Rubin
Holiday House, 2020 124 pages
Grades 4-8

Rubin offers a comprehensive look at the struggles of many generations of Americans in obtaining the right to vote in this land of Democracy. When the United States drew the constitution in 1787, only white male landowners were granted the right to vote for governmental leaders. Rubin demonstrates how different groups of people tenaciously fought to be given this right. African Americans and Women are the main struggles highlighted, yet the author briefly mentions the blatant discrimination against Hispanics and Asians, as well. The book begins with the Chippewa Indians of North Dakota being blocked from voting as recently as 2018. Rubin ends the volume with a challenge to young people to get out there and fight for injustice. focusing on the teenage movement for Gun Control. End matter includes a timeline, the actual constitutional amendments discussed in the book, sources, source notes, photo credits and an index. 


Eye opening and timely, this volume surprised me on many levels. Give Us the Vote starts strongly by illustrating the current struggle of the Chippewa in North Dakota and pointing out that Native Americans did not have the right to vote in all fifty states until 1962. What? I knew about Civil Rights and the suffragettes yet had no idea about the struggle of other minority groups of Americans. I picked up this book thinking that it was simply about the 19th amendment and yet one more book released this year about the one-hundredth anniversary of women getting the vote, but it was so much more. Rubin thoroughly and succinctly traces voting discrimination through American's brief history and the corruption displayed by those in power in order to hold onto that power. Written conversationally, readers can delve into this book for recreational purposes, yet it is meticulously researched, making it a great choice for school use as well. Black and white historic photos and drawings accompany the text, resulting in an attractable and visual package. The subject matter is extremely pertinent to what is currently happening in the world with people everywhere speaking out against discrimination. Young readers will gain strength from their predecessors in the fight for justice and see that their efforts will pay off. An important book for these trouble times.

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