Friday, August 25, 2023

Super Boba Cafe

Super Boba Cafe
Nidhi Chanani
Amulet, October, 2023
216 pages
Grades 4-7
Graphic Novel

Aria travels to San Francisco to spend time with her Grandmother, Nainai, to help out at her boba cafe. As much as they want to see the sights, much of the time is spent at the cafe. Aria has a great idea on how to expand the sleepy business after the store cat has kittens--inviting customers to play with kittens as they enjoy their boba. She also has ideas about expanding the flavor selection, but Nainai is reluctant to change. Both ladies have secrets. Eventually we find out the real reason that Aria was sent to San Francisco and that is one mystery solved. But why does Nainai escape to a backroom everyday and won't let Aria in? Eventually Aria discovers the truth behind Nainai's secret disappearances and how it all ties in with the very nature of the city. Can Aria help her in the mission to keep the city safe? And what is up with all the prairie dogs who arrive at the cafe's doorstep every evening? All secrets are revealed by book's end and Aria and Nainai learn to trust each other in order to fix past hurts and move forward into the future.

I feel like it's a boba summer! Everywhere I look a new shop or stand is opening, selling the delicious concoctions. As a huge fan of the drink, I absolutely had to read this upcoming graphic novel by one of my favorite creators of Pashmina fame. This is a story blending real-life problems (social media, friendship drama, loneliness, business troubles) with fantasy. The emergence of the boba monster, which explains away the San Francisco earthquakes, is pretty cool and unexpected. I easily made the transition into fantasy and was all in for the ride. Aria, who was beaten down by a horrible school year, finds her voice and courage as she battles the monster and increases business in Nainai's shop. Eventually, she allows herself to open herself again to others and make a friend. The illustrations are full-color, cartoon-like, and easily scanned. The target audience will appreciate the format, plot and delivery. Mystery undertones about the identity of the monster will keep readers turning pages up to the satisfying conclusion. Much like the titled drink, this new graphic novel is sure to be a hit!

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