Monday, August 24, 2020

Raise Your Voice: 12 Protests that Shaped America

Raise Your Voice by Jeffrey Kluger: 9780525518303 ...
Raise Your Voice: 12 Protests that Shaped America
Jeffery Kluger
Philomel/Penguin, 2020 210 pages
Grades 6-Up

Seasoned non-fiction writer, Kluger, turns his attention to protests and highlights some important ones throughout Unites States history. After a brief introduction setting the stage, Kluger dives into the Boston Tea Party, the protest that made us an independent nation. From there he hops to the mid-nineteenth century for the Seneca Falls Convention and the battle of women to be gained voting access. Worker's rights, civil rights, LGBTQ rights, and call for world peace and to preserve the environment all follow in chronological order. The volume ends with a Native American protest, only four years old, to prevent drilling on sacred tribal lands. Finally, the author explains his research process and sources, as well as including an index. Photos or illustrations of the protests introduce each chapter, placing readers in the cultural subtext.


What a year for Kluger to release this particular book. As protest fever is sweeping the country, this book has just hit the shelves, giving young readers historic background on other protest that have changes the fabric of our country. Kluger offers the reason for protesting and readers will see the results of the efforts of the brave folks that have stood up to injustice and made a difference. Plenty of young people are highlighted, encouraging today’s youth to get off the couch and take a stand. Carefully researched and beautifully written, this volume will be useful for report writers, as well as being enjoyed by recreational readers. I rarely read non-fiction and fell into the narrative of the text and ended up reading the whole book cover-to-cover. There is much that I learned, and I felt inspired by the courage and energy of the Americans featured between the pages. A few of the accounts actually left me visibly emotional and grateful for the efforts of my predecessors. Young readers will gravitate towards this book as protesting is hot this summer and it will hopefully inspire them to make their world a better place.

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