Thursday, August 27, 2020

Witches of Brooklyn

Witches of Brooklyn by Sophie Escabasse: 9780593125281 ...

Witches of Brooklyn
Sophie Escabasse
Random House, 2020 240 pages
Grades 3-6
Graphic Fantasy

Our story begins with two older women being awoken in the middle of the night. An official looking person informs Selimene, the feistier of the two ladies, that she is now the legal guardian of orphaned Effie. As Selimene pitches a fit on the front stoop, her companion, Carlota, takes Effie upstairs and shows her to a spare room. Thus begins Effie's new life in Brooklyn. She starts school, facing the prerequisite mean girls, and falls in with two goofy and well-meaning nerds, making school tolerable. Effie gradually finds her way with her elderly guardians as well. They appear to be herbalists and acupuncturists, but it all seems rather fishy. One evening, Effie notices that her hands are glowing. Selimene and Carlota are thrilled as they confess that they are actually witches and Effie's powers are starting to unlock as well. Effie is coming to terms with these new developments when a mysterious stranger arrives with an entourage in the middle of the night. It is a pop star, who Effie adores, who has been cursed and her face is now a very unattractive shade of red. Can the Brooklyn witches figure out how to restore the singing sensation to her natural state before the upcoming big show?

Veteran illustrator, Escabasse, crafts her debut graphic novel for young people, set in the city she now calls home. Creative and clever kids will love this new book featuring likable and quirky characters. The attractive cover will draw-in readers and the fast moving plot will keep them going. The atmospheric pages and muted colors give the book a scary feeling to it, but it is not scary at all-more contemporary fantasy. Kids, who often feel the loss of control in their own lives, will envy Effie's realization that she possesses magic and will relish her discovery of this secret life as she enters Selimene and Carlota's world. For some reason, young readers love an orphan story and kids will find contentment in the healing Effie discovers in her new life. This is also a story about friendship, finding people that "get you", and staying true to who you are. Effie's friendship trio will offer reassurance to other kids who don't fit into cookie-cutter expectations. First in a series, this title will be an easy pleaser for the target audience, who will look forward to Effie's further adventures.

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